On November 19th, 2014, Near West Side CDC honored two Brown Elementary scholars with awards for good grades this school semester. Toddarrien Villa (Left) and Robert Boston (right) are both residents of the Horner / West Haven Community. Robert (1st Grade) earned 4 A’s and 4 B’s this semester,) just missing the Honor Roll, with only a ‘C’ in Handwriting and English. Toddarrien (4th Grade) earned 5A’s and 5 B’s just missed the Honor Roll, as well, by having one ‘C’ in Handwriting.
While both of these young men receive homework assistance daily in the Youth Zone Afterschool Program and Brown elementary, Toddarien is currently involved in a program called IRLA (Independent Reading Level Assessment Framework), provided thru Brown School. This program allows his teachers to have a more comprehensive evaluation of his reading level and offer suggestive, proven methods to continue his academic improvement. Congratulations Robert and Toddarrien! Keep up the good work!